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Important videos: ME/ CFS, Lyme, Tick- borne disease and psyciatric..

Kategori: Ukategorisert | 0 kommentarer » - Skrevet torsdag 3. oktober , 2013

Nobelprice winner in medicine Professor Luc Montagnier published this video in 2010:

Pr Montagnier on Lyme Disease, autism and cronic infections.

» This is a global disease, not only in France, the infection can be found in the whole world, i dont want to compare it to AIDS, but its almost like AIDS, in fact this bacteria is a close relative to the syphilis spirochete, they are in the same family. of course syfilis is a lot rarer these days, but it has now been replaced by Lyme disease which is not sexually transmitted but true tick bites or from mother to child and there are problably other means of transmission that we are not aware of….»

Luc Montagnier 2010

I have collected som videsos from Profesor Kenny De Meirleir.

He finds Lyme disease and other Tick – borne disease in many of his patients.

Videos is about the disease ME / CFS, but the information could be useful for a lot of diagnoses.

«A number of discoveries have recently made. The first profit of «deep sequencing» shows that ME patients suffer from many infections, so they carry many infections, many more than healthy people. I think that this will be evidence that the immune system, forvarssystemet, does not operate normally. I think this will soon be published. «

This will go into the psyciatric im 100 percent sure because tests are and have been bad for years. The way the patiants are met in many countries make me sure this is a very big scandal worldwide.

I am pretty confident that he will give us some realy good answers why many are strugling in our society. These videos was published in cooperation with the duch ME assosiation.

1.  Is ME and/or CFS a disease?
2. Is it possible to Diagnose ME / CFS?
3. Is ME a heraditary condition?
4. ME and sleep disorders
5. Me and pain
6. ME and hormones
7. ME, the immunesystem and several virusses
8. ME and blood circulation
9. ME and Gastrointensional problems
10. ME, Co morbidity and Exclusion Criteria
11. Twelve answers to questions – ME origin and Causes
12. Misdiagnosis/ Related Diagnosis and Tests
13. Sleep, Pain and Nigthmares
14. ME and Treatment
15. ME, Remody and Hope
16.ME and Low – Dose Naltrexone ( LDN)
17. ME and Brain
18. ME, Th1. Th2 and Th17
19. Subgroups of patients

Video number 20 is not out on net yet.( i will published it as soon as i get it)

I also give you some fine videos that was made when he visited New York. These videos give us more hope for the future.

Episode 42

Episode 43

Episode 44

Episode 45

ME,Remody and hope also for tick borne diseases

Please help me share this info worldwide!

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